Monday, November 8, 2010

it's beginning to look a lot like christmas...

This is what I woke up to this morning:

pumpkin with snowcardinal!blue jay in the treeschickadee!snowy shed roofsnowy path

I'm seeing plenty of Christmas carols, twinkling lights, sledding parties, dark evenings, gingerbread-baking, and snow days in our close future.

But perhaps prematurely. It is only November 8th. That's too soon to be thinking about these things.....right?

I'm thinking maybe this is the year to not feel guilty about indulging in these things far too early.....


  1. I have been listening to Bing Crosby for a week ! And I just finished decorating at work!

  2. Ohhh, snow! Lucky you! I was leery of getting festive too early, but I quickly abandoned all reason and lit my pine tree candle and played Charlie Brown Christmas today. As each year passes, I'm getting more and more comfortable admitting that I am crazy for the holiday season.
    (and, happy belated birthday! I haven't checked blogs in forever, either.)
    (and, will write soon!)

  3. How beautiful!!! It is pictures like this which make me miss the east coast more and more...LA will just never give me that lovely feeling! Your pictures are lovely and I too can see the twinkling lights and hear the Christmas carols!

    Liesl :)

  4. Snow this early is crazy, I was not looking forward to scraping my car off but it does look pretty

  5. I love your photos! They're fantastic!

    I always go by the rule that I can't hang up Christmas decorations or listen to Christmas music until after Thanksgiving. (Although I sometimes cheat and sneak some music in early!)

  6. oh ruth!
    this makes me want to hop a plane right now and come to new england!
    i can't even process the thought!

  7. Yes, Carmella, yes! Come to New England and see for yourself :)


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