Thursday, November 4, 2010


the journey

My Google Reader is filled to the brim with hundreds of unread blog posts.

This poor blog is shamefully ignored as of late.

There are clothes and bags and half-finished crocheting projects flung all over my room.

I just very-irresponsibly quit my job.

There's food going bad in the refrigerator.

I haven't bothered to properly make my bed in weeks.

But I don't even care. Because it's my birthday today and none of that is important now.

I don't even care that one year ago I made a list of things I'd like to accomplish and I didn't do everything on the list. I don't speak Spanish fluently, and I never watched the sun rise, and I haven't entirely mastered my camera, either.

But I'm doing a lot more than that, on the inside, learning to support myself, slowly but surely.

And you know--I made it all the way here, better than okay.

So cheers to that :)


  1. Cheers to that indeed! Happy Birthday!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RUTH! I hope your day is as wonderful as you are.

  3. Happy Birthday!!!!! Let's get drinks to celebrate!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a great day!

    (My blog has been ignored as well. I need to get back into it!)

  5. yes, cheers to that!

    have a Happy Happy Birthday, Ruth!

  6. happy birthday.
    i think there is a reason i try to avoid making lists as hen i would have to see all the things i want to do but didn't.


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