Monday, November 15, 2010

off the trail

greenhouse and hills, through the treeswild berriesupside leaves make hearts!afternoon tree

I saw a new view through the trees as I neared the greenhouses through the woods, found a tree full of berries (which made a very cute arrangement when I carried some branches home with me), realized that the photo of the leaves would turn into hearts when rotated upside down (Melanie, are we on the same page again?), and got close enough to the biggest trees to actually touch them.

Sometimes it's good to wander off the beaten path, to awaken the senses with new sights and sounds, to get out of your own way and meander a bit.


  1. i gasped aloud when i saw the last picture... ooh i love trees.
    these are beautiful!!

  2. That last photo would make a wonderful card or postcard image. Actually so would the third - I think we are on the same page!

  3. These photos are so beautiful. I like what you say about wandering off the beaten path, too.

    Just discovered your blog through Red Boots. It's lovely. I'm following now.

  4. Can you just take pictures for a living? Because I'm sure someone would pay your for it. You're awesome.

  5. Becky, you seriously just made my day. And I'm trying! Nothing's panned out yet, but fingers crossed...


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