Sunday, November 28, 2010

a dapple of my weekend

messy bedberriesafternoon sunlightblanche on the bedkale

A few random photos from this long, busy weekend.

I'll be stepping away from my computer a bit in the coming week, taking time to decompress and be wired-less. In the meantime, have the loveliest of weeks and see you back here soon.


  1. your photos always make me guilty for blaming my lack of practice to a natureless street and bad lighting... i WILL take my camera out this week!

    and i have to ask.. is that all kale? and what did you end up doing with it? i failed dismally at a kale salad recipe and i'm bound and determined to find a way to eat more raw kale that doesn't involve juicing or blending! it's sooo good for you, but why must it be so... potent?

    have a refreshing week away from the computer... though i selfishly can't wait for you to get back! :)

  2. Hi Carmella--yes, all kale! I recently signed up for a winter/Thanksgiving CSA share and, well, I now have more vegetables and sweet potatoes than I know what to do with. I turned this kale into a kale-minestrone soup, but unfortunately it didn't turn out quite as good as planned. (I'm not so sure kale is great in soups...)


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