Friday, November 26, 2010

in gratitude

thanksgiving places setmid-feastbrother and sister, reunitedlittle feet, big feetsome of the cousins!

Truly thankful this year

for breaths in and breaths out,
for a pillar of support without whom I'd be severely lost and confused,
for a camera that does so much more than capture photos,
for a practice that leaves my body feeling worthy and capable,
for learned knowledge,
for the trees and the sun and the moon and earth,
for connections with like-minded souls over the internet,
for my own little space in the corner of my parents' house,
and for finally being able to, slowly, find support within.

Wishing you a weekend of inspiration, gratitude, and wellness!


  1. Thank you for sharing these beautiful reflections, Ruth. You inspire me. Happy Thanksgiving! xo

  2. so many wonderful things to be thankful for
    (not to mention your east coast fall!)

    hope you had a very happy thanksgiving!

  3. your photos here are drenched in such honesty and warmth.
    i just found your blog and it is great ! thanks for this post. i really felt and appreciated it. very good stuff.

  4. Love this. Glad you had a Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Why is it that you're about the same height as the small children?


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