Monday, November 1, 2010

a dapple of my weekend

This weekend was about birthdays and sisters visiting and soaking up the last of fall and finding out what I want. Or rather, don't want. Remember that new job? It's not what I want. I suppose that clarity is a good thing, but in the meantime--I'm miserable. I'm trying hard to come up with a plan and act on it bravely. But this whole grow-up-and-decide-what-you-want-to-be-and-live-happily-ever-after thing is not nearly as easy as I thought it'd be. If you told me when I graduated from college over a year that this is where I'd be in November 2010, I'd have laughed in your face.

People have got it way more figured out than that, haven't they?

Nevertheless, we managed to have ourselves a pretty awesome weekend.

happy birthday, rach

Rachel's birthday went by in a flash. But I'm glad she was home to celebrate it!

buntingclara is one!

My itty bitty babysitting-baby turned one this weekend. But wasn't she just born?

cheering the teambeing goofy

Mary's final softball game came not a moment too soon. We were almost frozen solid by the end of it.

the spreadlauren in the dark

The Halloween party I hosted with Lauren was so stinkin' cute. We made mummy hot dogs and witch's brew and orange rice krispie treats. She was a Greek goddess, I was Betty Draper.

the mazehiding in the stalksdead end!lost?finished the corn maze!pumpkin patch

And Sunday morning we finally got to the huge corn maze that opened in town, on it's very last day open. I'm afraid fall really is coming to an end.

And now that that long weekend of family and parties and miserable work is over, I look up and realize my birthday is right around the corner.....

Have a lovely week!


  1. How FUN!!! LOVE how your pictures tell your weekend story perfectly! Glad you had such a lovely time!

    Liesl :)

  2. What a lovely weekend! I'm secretly obsessed with corn mazes.

  3. Love all of these photos! Looks like SO much fun!


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