Tuesday, November 16, 2010

felicitous findings: part 27


(Has it really been since April since I last wrote one of these?)

1. Watching little kids jump into leaf piles. I remember when I was one of them.

2. Going from just a mattress, to a mattress topped with a (too-small) piece of memory foam that seriously improves your sleeping conditions all the same (and makes it ten times harder to get up in the mornings) (thanks, Lauren!).

3. Brand new fleece jackets that are your greatest idea all winter.

4. Realizing you had more money than you thought.

5. When Stella sleeps right on top of me at night, and keeps me warm.


  1. oh holy moly your blog is a delight. i'm swooning over all of your pictures. xo.

  2. I'm glad these are back - I love your felicitous findings! I've been craving a memory foam mattress or mattress topper for a while now - but fear I would never get out of bed again! And number four is always like a small miracle when it happens to me!


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