Tuesday, November 9, 2010

my birthday

My birthday has come and gone and I feel it hardly stayed at all. The day itself was wondrous though, and I wanted to share it with you.

In past years, my birthday has almost always been a let-down. At first it just seemed that birthdays were no longer exciting, not like they were when you turn ten and get a special cake for double digits and loads of presents and the whole day feels like you're on cloud nine. No, as I've gotten older I've found that birthdays are hardly as exciting. Lately though, people I'd counted on to be there for my birthday (both literally and energetically speaking) seemed to be letting me down all-too-often. My birthdays always ended up feeling more depressing than uplifting.

So this year, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

charymtea at charym

I saved up my money (I have been working my butt off!) and took myself to the spa for the day. I wanted nothing more than to be completely by myself for the day--at first I thought this strange, but then realized it was exactly what I wanted for my birthday, and decided to honor that. The dark, rainy weather on Thursday was a bit dismal, but I didn't let that get in my way. I drove leisurely through the back woods of Connecticut and found myself at the most amazing spa I'd ever seen. (A body temple, they call it--how much do you love that?) I stayed for hours and was practically in a zen-like state from the moment I stepped in the door. And, I tasted the most delicious tea I've ever tasted and bought a whole canister to bring home. It was truly the best idea I've ever had.

candles, giftbirthday!birthday cardbirthday!

After the spa, I went home for a family dinner and birthday pie. We listened to music that always reminds me of my thirteenth birthday and opened presents by candlelight. It was just right.

And I got a new lens! I'm still figuring it out, but it's so much fun to have something new.

new lens

Thank you all for your birthday wishes and making me feel special on such a hyped-up day. I'm sending you all positive thoughts as well!


  1. Man, that sounds like the perfect birthday celebration. Isn't it funny how sometimes, a day entirely to yourself is just the perfect thing?

  2. Happy, Happy Birthday, Ruth! Sounds like you had a wonderful little celebration and some lovely you time!

    Liesl :)

  3. Happy Birthday!

    A spa day sounds delicious :)

  4. What a wonderful birthday! Just found you from Bon Mot, and I feel like friends already! Enjoyed my visit here... ~Kristin from Windy Poplars

  5. I am so happy you had a wonderful day! You deserve it!

  6. a day at the spa sounds like a great way to spend your b-day.

  7. Oh girlfriend, your day sounds marvelous. I'm glad you were able to celebrate being you, and living another year in this wonderful thing called life. Happy birthday!

  8. That sounds like an absolutely PERFECT birthday! I'm so glad you ended up having such a great day!


  9. So glad you had a great birthday! And I completely agree - when you get older the "hype" that goes with birthdays kind of dies down - creating your own hype (i.e. an amazing spa day) is the perfect full circle solution to that. Good for you!


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