Monday, April 26, 2010

a dapple of my weekend

fallen petalslight installation at the art museumfront yard daffodilcrab apple blossomscrab apple blossomskitty in the flowerswind chime + crab applesrananculusmary at the photo show, waitingphoto show entriestag sale desk

Friday night went exactly as I had hoped, with a local photography show reception thrown in there as well (I had never entered my photos into one before, so it was a new experience . . . I didn't win any awards, but it was exciting all the same).

Saturday resulted in coffee and the first tag sales of the season (with a new desk for my bedroom for FIVE DOLLARS!), a long-ago-promised trip with MH and my cousin to a nearby art museum, and lots of new baking recipes.

Sunday consisted of a kick-my-butt Pilates class and lots of crocheting and movie-watching while the rain fell outside.

Oh, and my grad-school-nervous-ness continued to grow as the weekend wore on, and hasn't let up this morning, either. Hmph.

I hope your weekends were lovely as well! Here's to a quick work week . . . . .


  1. sounds like a great weekend! i've always wanted to try a pilates class.

  2. That second photo is pure heaven

  3. I LOVE these photos, esp the petals on the road.
    I love your new desk, score!


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