Wednesday, April 7, 2010

summer in the city

. . . . . in April. Whaaaaa? (It was 87 today. No joke.)




Cities always have a different feel in the summer, don't you think? Being at work today reminded me of the sound of dogs barking and kids yelling, cars whirring peacefully instead of honking angrily, airplanes flying overhead, clothing on women shrinking, bicycles flying past at every corner, basketball hoops set up on the curb, hazy buildings in the distance, the smell of warm garbage and charcoal grills.

However, it's only April, and this doesn't feel quite right.


  1. 87?! We had an 80 day, and that was weird enough! 87 is just crazy!

  2. It doesn't feel quite right, it's true, but you know what? I think I'm just gonna go with it.
    Ice cream for dinner much?

  3. We had 85 degrees on April First! So crazy, we hit a new high :)

  4. Umm...this so looks like NJ to me. I've lived there most of my life and it's just strikingly NJ...


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