Wednesday, April 14, 2010

this severe lack of blog posting brought to you by:

1. PMS

2. Grad school anxiety

3. Grad school excitement

4. PMS

5. Unrequited like (not to be confused with love, just yet)

6. Work busy-ness

7. Preparing for huge life transitions

7. Did I mention PMS? Guh.


  1. You must tell us all about this exciting news! Grad school, life transitions, etc.

    In any case, I understand the PMS and praying it goes away for the both of us!

  2. Girl this blog is my week the end. yuck for being in a funk. just letting you know i will save your bum a seat at my bon fire tomorrow night. have a lovely weekend.

  3. bloody pms ruins everything! URGH!

  4. pms is icky. on the upside, i just added you to my blogroll because. you're. awesome.

    and you have a smashing blog.

    happy weekend!

  5. I love your blog Ruth!!!! (broken record me!)

    I get the worst PMS but fortunately during grad school applications I was still on "the pill" even though I was VERY not in any kind of relationship. It was more of a regulation thing from being a HS skinny athlete...but I still think it kept me slightly saner!?!?!? fatter but saner...

    Anyways, I am sure that this is a lethal combination and good god, I am proud of you...

    I remember doing grad school apps and feeling really alone, since it was as much or MORE work than applying to college, except when you are a senior in HS everyone else is feeling your pain...

    Good luck and I hope you post about getting in and deciding where to go :)..

    It's great getting a masters degree (uh, surviving haha) and having people ask "When are you getting a doctorate now???" and seriously considering that!!!! xoxoxoxo


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