Monday, April 26, 2010

guess what I did this morning?

Remember these applications?

Yes, they got sent out.

And yes, I got accepted! (Well, to three out of four--still waiting on ONE, months later . . .)

I haven't been quick to share this news here, because unfortunately, financial aid wasn't so nice to me, so I'm still grappling with decision-making. (Which I need to do quickly, before I lose my places, as admissions offices have been so kind to remind me. Multiple times.)

However, there's one particular school that has one particularly great social work program, that I don't intend on missing out on.

So this morning, I mailed in my deposit and intent to enroll.

I might not even be able to afford it yet and I haven't even heard from all my schools, but I did it anyways. I can't lose that place. Despite being across the country on an opposite coast, I want that place.

I'm pretty sure the handwriting on my check is scribbly and shaky because I was kind of freaking out.

I suppose things in life that are good for you can be the hardest, right? (That's what I keep telling myself . . .)


  1. Ahh Ruth that is so exciting you have been accepted into 3/4 so far!
    Keep positive thoughts in your head about the one you sent the cheque off for. You will be able to afford it. YOu may just have to live on baked beans :) but anything that breaks you will make you stronger.
    My fingers are crossed that it works out for you!

  2. HOORAY!

    Moving across the country is sometimes an excellent thing to do. I'm so, so happy for you, Ruth. Congratulations!

  3. Yay! Congratulations! I read a quote on another blog today that I really liked, "If you hide from the risk, you hide from the reward."

  4. Thanks for so much encouragement, you guys! It seriously makes me feel more confident in my sort-of-decision.

    Melanie--thanks for sharing that quote. Exactly what I needed to hear!

  5. Agreed with the rest of the folk up there! Congrats!

  6. Yes, congrats! So true about it being hard sometimes. But you always know when it's the right choice.


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