Tuesday, April 20, 2010

macro, and forgetfulness



Lots of times I have so many ideas of things I want to blog about that I'll save them as drafts so I don't forget them.

This morning, as I was driving to work, I remembered something that I had been thinking of writing about for awhile now and of course hadn't saved, and vowed that those would be the words to accompany these photos this morning.

Alas, I'm here at work, the photos are up, and I've forgotten any inkling of what I was going to say. Sigh.


  1. Amazing pics, I love them!

  2. Gorgeous, gorgeous photos!

    I just wanted to pop over and thank you for entering the giveaway for my Karma Cards on the Oh, Mishka blog. We've got a few sets left if you're still keen (cough, shameless self-promotion, cough) ;D

  3. These pictures are lovely, whether or not you remembered what you were going to say about them. The macro setting is a wonderful thing, no?

  4. Haha, we'd probably like hearing more about your forgetfulness than whatever it might have been...not that it would have been boring, but misery loves company and I'm always forgetting stuff. You ever walk into a room and forget why you're there? Happens all the time :)

  5. Ahhh, but we are one in the same. I always have blogging ideas before bed or while driving in traffic and never remember. So agreed with Elizabeth :)

  6. but the photos speak wonders. Love the Alice in Wonderland type shadow and the huddled mushrooms especially.


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