Thursday, April 8, 2010

a little bit familiar

I used to love Georgia Douglas Johnson's poems and short stories. I haven't the slightest idea why I haven't read her in so long. Her anthology sits at the end of my bed, depressingly dusty.

But coming across this poem, Calling Dreams, served as a tiny reminder (and perhaps a big, huge, God-sent sign?) that I should, indeed, continue to read her work.

The right to make my dreams come true
I ask, nay, I demand of life,
Nor shall fate's deadly contraband
Impede my steps, nor countermand.

Too long my heart against the ground
Has beat the dusty years around,
And now, at length, I rise, I wake!
And stride into the morning break!

Sounds a little bit familiar, to me. This IS a favorite poem of mine, so maybe it was a subconscious effort, but I'd like to think Georgia and I are just on the same wavelength (posthumously, of course).

Dare I say I wish to be back in college, where I'm forced to read such literature? Sigh.


  1. ohhh girl, i know one day i will probably wish the same thing too, but as for now, i am definitely grateful the semester is ending and "forced reading" will soon be over too. but wow! what a beautiful poem. i can all-too-well relate.

  2. how lovely. i might just look up more of her poems.

    neat blog, btw :D

  3. I feel the same way about college! I just wish someone would lay a really difficult, rewarding reading list on me. None of the papers or grading :)


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