Wednesday, April 28, 2010

last night

I had another dream last night. I don't think I need to scrutinize it in order to understand what it was telling me, either.

I was in New York City. Atop a large skyscraper. There was this man, standing at the window overlooking the city, just standing there with the window slid open and a smirk on his face. I walked up and looked down. Below us, onlookers stared up at me.

The man was holding a chain. A big, black, iron chain, that connected with another skyscraper blocks away. At the other end, people sat in an identical window holding on to it, looking towards me with anticipation, waiting to see what I'd do. A friend next to me told me to just do it, that it wouldn't be that bad, that the chain wouldn't break, and I'd be fine and it'd even be fun.

I realized she wanted me to swing/zipline along the chain, above the city, to the other building (this made sense at the time, really).

I thought about it. The people in the window across the city and on the streets below cheered me on and my friend kept coaxing me. The man still smirked. I grabbed the chain and flew.

I closed my eyes and didn't look down and heard the air rushing past my ears and the oddest sense of calm struck me. I wasn't scared in the least, as I hurdled through the air along some chain precariously suspended over the city.

I made it to the other end, where the people in the window applauded and congratulated me for being the first one to ever do such a thing.

I leapt out that window. And I made it.


  1. Wow, that is quite a dream. Our subconscious can do crazy things to us sometimes.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! You should definitely consider Seattle for graduate school. UW is an incredible school and the city is wonderful!

  2. Even though this was a dream, my hands are sweating now. I hate heights. But I love taking a risk, so go for it, whatever it is :)

  3. Wow Ruth!
    I need a dream like that.
    I'm reading backward, but it seems like whatever it is you're wondering if you should do your dream is say, Yes GO, you will fly!

  4. Wow, that's an interesting dream. I wish I still dreamed this vividly, or could remember them.


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