Wednesday, April 21, 2010


blueberry almond bars
sunday's blueberry almond bars, that have naught to do with this post


when the weather is sunny and I wake up to the sounds of birds chirping and greenhouse trucks rumbling by and I step outside into the chilly air beneath the crab apple trees and hear the steady hum of bumble bees overhead and sneeze and sneeze and sneeze because the sun is so bright,

I just don't want to put on my sunglasses.

They're adorable and from an outdoor flea market and are the best pair I've ever owned and greatly help in driving to work on the highway when the visor doesn't reach to block out the sun and the glare is extraordinary,

but sometimes I'd rather just see the world as it is and take the sun for what it's worth and risk the squinting and worry about wrinkles in my forehead some other time.


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