Sunday, April 18, 2010


I feel what I cannot write.

I yearn to express what I cannot say.

I began blogging to hold myself accountable for my life. To keep details in mind, to remember to take pictures, to properly process thoughts and emotions. I'm afraid I'm not very successful at doing so otherwise.

This blog functions as a tool to remind myself that being me is not a bad thing. That it's okay. That feeling my feelings and thinking my thoughts is just as legitimate as anyone else doing the same thing, whether in blog form or otherwise.

It was a good realization, for awhile. Until I became confused about what to share here. This isn't a diary. This isn't a floral-bound book tucked under my mattress for my deepest, darkest secrets to abound. This is a very public journal.

So for months now, questions have swirled through my head, like, Do I remain positive, and positive only? Do I fake happiness until I make happiness? Or do I share negativity and heartache, too? But is it unfair to my readers to whine and complain and share greivances? (After all, I DO have a tag category called "Greivances," and it's quite full, which I often kick myself for.) I always wonder these things. Is it better to blog about happy things, when you're not feeling happy, for the sake of trying to force yourself to feel happy? Or is it better to let it all hang out, and show no discrimination, and blog about ALL the truths of life, in order to be the most truthful?

I know this is a common predicament for bloggers. But I have to remind myself--I started this blog for me. And I plan on writing for me, too. It's just hard to remember, sometimes. And it's hard to articulate, a lot of times.

Which often results in blog absences for periods of time. Which makes me feel like I'm not being honest, with myself or with my readers. I don't want to only post when I'm happy. I want to post all the time. Because if I made this blog to hold myself accountable and help me process my thoughts and emotions, it doesn't really work to only use it at high points of life, does it? I want to look back on this and remember everything, everything I was going through at this point in my life. The very first time I was confused about this, I went two whole weeks without blogging. But back then, I promised myself I wouldn't do it again. I went those two weeks, which happened to be two very tumultuous weeks of my life, without properly processing what was going on.

I hated doing that again.

So I'm vowing to blog for me. To blog about what makes me happy. And to blog about what makes me nervous or sad or anxious or scared, too. Luckily, there are other bloggers out there who help me with these decisions.

I don't feel like I'm being very articulate here and I fear I'm beginning to not make any sense, so I'll stop here. Hopefully this is something you can relate to, too.

Should blogging be this difficult?


  1. im glad my post helped out a bit :) i think everyone has been in a bit of a funk lately and not really sure what to write about and getting lost between writing for you and writing for your followers. but stick with you, and the followers will love you. if you are having a shit day tell us!

  2. What alyssa said... Blog about things you want to read yourself in 10 years when you look back at it :) I already look though my last year and remember stuff I had forgotten...

    blogging is definitely hard and sometimes its takes alot for me to feel motivated to do it but if its something you really want to do you will definitely feel the benefits from your hard work.

    good luck x

  3. I know how you feel - I have been so so busy with my new job that I've lost motivation for so many things I used to love and spend a lot of time doing - yoga and blogging being the main two. Now when I do get a minute I just feel so out of practice, out of the loop with blogging that I have no idea what to write! Hopefully we'll both get back into the swing of things soon :)


  4. Thanks for your comment :) Definitely easier using someone else's words, for now. I'm working on slowly getting back into my groove!


  5. precisely, my friend. precisely. thanks so much for sharing this. i have been experiencing this same dilemma recently and have found it be so incredibly frustrating. ridiculously so, really. blogging is such a strange experience, really, and I think I've decided I'll probably never quite agree on how i feel about it. So, to you I say, to thine own self be true. You are the author, and it's you that I want to read about. You're one of my favs!

  6. I read too many blogs that are overly happy - you have to wonder if a barbie doll is sitting behind the computer typing everything up. And it's safe to say that I don't generally follow those types of blogs. I started my blog for me, too - mostly as a way to keep a sort of schedule (something to do daily, no matter what) in my very schedule-less world. I don't do advertisements, I don't sponser, I don't whore other blogs just to get more readers, and i most definitely don't do giveaways (nor enter them). That, to me, is not the way to blog. Lately I've tended to do happier posts, but I've been in an unnaturally good state of mind the past 6 months or so, moreso than ever. I've been through bumps however (some of my earlier posts show that), and i personally don't think it's *wrong* to vent via blogging, unless you intend some harm to whoever may read it. Which I doubt you're trying to do. So I say continue as you please, it's your blog!

  7. i get ya.
    i love these musings.
    and i like the decision you came to as well.
    let yourself be who you are in all ways.
    i struggle with this so much.
    and tend not to blog too.
    i also feel like i shouldn't blog if i haven't been able to read and/or comment on other blogs. this sounded so dumb when i tried to explain it to a friend. but if i cannot visit the bloggers who i love, who visit me, because i have no energy, then i feel selfish blogging when they come and say hi and all these sweet, kind things to me. i feel like the friend who calls and doesn't ask how you are and just babbles on about herself, you know?
    i love that you visit me once in a while and say such nice things. and i can come here when i can and find you blogging such wonders.
    you're an easy blog friend!
    oh and thanks for saying that about that actress, but i don't much look like her at all.
    still, you made me feel pretty for a minute!


Have I ever told you how much I love your comments?