Friday, September 3, 2010

the chrysanthemum


You know fall is coming when the mums start blooming.

When I was in high school, I worked at a flower shop in town. Every fall, we'd have to water rows and rows of potted mums, and by the time November rolled around I was sick of even looking at another yellow or orange or red flower.

I think I've finally moved past that, though. My mom came home the other day with a gigantic potted chrysanthemum and it's adorned our back deck, waiting to bloom. I'm getting excited for the weather to cool down (heat wave, anyone?) and the flowers to burst open, allowing for sweaters and leaves and pumpkins and apples.

I'll try not to post about my excitement for autumn every day. But I just might not be able to help it!


  1. I adore autumn too--and cannot wait for it to come! I live in Columbia, SC, so it will be awhile before it feels like autumn here, but it's coming nevertheless!

  2. I can almost smell pumpkin spice and feel the cool breeze of autumn!!!!

  3. So funny you should write about this today. I normally kind of hate crysanthemums, but I saw one at work yesterday, and was SO EXCITED by the idea that they'll be blooming soon.

    Happy almost fall!

  4. I have just as much excitement for it's ok if you write about it everyday! ;) Such a fun time of year ahead! :)

    Liesl :)

  5. Reading about your love of fall makes my love for the season increase even more! Wahoo! :)

  6. I want to draw little smiley faces on those buds : )
    I love crysanthemums, but my summer annuals are still going and taking up the whole front step...

  7. mums are a must for fall. can't wait until they're in full bloom!

    xo Alison

  8. i love the little things that tell you fall is on its way...


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