Friday, September 10, 2010

soul food

Yesterday, instead of watching The Tudors on Netflix late at night, I read Mary Oliver.

After Pilates class, instead of going home and eating, I went to the library and took out Mary Oliver collections.

This morning, instead of fretting about something else, I'm going to sit in the backyard, with the trees and the birds and their wisdom,

and do nothing but read Mary Oliver.

It feeds me. More than you could know. Oh, so much more, than probably even I know.

(Photo via)


  1. that's really wonderful how you indulge in her:) and i wish i had a little hammock outback to watch the birds and read a book! enjoy the weekend lovely:)

  2. I am not familiar with Mary Oliver books but it sounds like a nice way to spend an evening. CT is alright, I am still getting used to it and its yucky winters :)

  3. Isn't it wonderful how lovely it feels to indulge in a wonderful book?



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