Wednesday, September 22, 2010

i've been up since 3am...

...and I've got swirling through my head things like doppio and macchiatto and triple grande chai latte and whether you say the size first or the temperature first or the number of shots first and how long till a bottle of caramel sauce expires and whether dry means less foam or more and how long milk is aerated for cappucino versus latte and how many pumps of syrup for 26 ounces of latte and let me tell you

it's very very dark and very very cold at 3am.


  1. Cute post and it sounds like you have coffee on the brain! :) Good questions...made me think too and when I order a coffee drink I usually say the size first, then the temperature and then the drink! :)

    Liesl :)

  2. ruth, i can totally understand!
    i used to be a barista - it wasn't technically a starbucks it was just a coffee place on the warner brothers lot, but we served starbucks coffee and teas, so i had to go through all that crazy training. having to be at work at 6 AM was not the best thing in the world! let me tell ya, that stuff will stick with you, i make sure to order my drink just right every time i get coffee.
    oddly enough, i loved steaming milk haha, there was a guy who used to come in every morning to get a dry cappuccino and i always wanted to steam up all the foam... weird, right?

  3. I have coffee nightmares all the time. And cake cutting nightmares. haha. Gotta love work stress dreams


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