Tuesday, September 28, 2010

the woods

the woodsleaves, reflectionsthe pondspiderwebberries, on prickers

Sometimes I let my mind wander into the realm of the woods, wondering how many others have gazed at the very same oaks I have, how many others have had the same musings about the tiny spiders spinning the webs amidst the tall trees and blue skies, wondering how many Septembers before this one the brooks have run and the leaves have fallen, and wondering for how many more they'll continue.

Photo walks like this we took on Sunday afternoon inspire me to spend more of my days outdoors.


  1. beautiful, ruth!
    i lovelovelove these photos!

    i promise myself that the next place i live will have woods for me to wander around. and preferably mountains to climb, a pond to picnic around, and maybe i'll live in an actual house with enough of a yard to plant vegetables, with a fabulous backyard for star-lit dinners and sunrise yoga. all while doing something that i love- that doesn't at all seem like work, and that will earn me enough to pay for said house with yardage... plus year round travel... siighhh, one day...

    been feeling a little anxiety about life lately... :)

  2. Great pics! Sometimes when we look at a small view instead of looking too wide, it makes things less overwhelming and we can enjoy the moment. Take more walks!

  3. Simply lovely photos dear. These make me want to spend more time outside as well...now if it would just stop raining


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