Tuesday, September 21, 2010

every september...

It all started with the parade. It's always started with the parade. You have to get to Main Street before the police shut down the streets (they come from surrounding towns--we don't have our own). Hundreds of parade-goers line the curbs while the floats and tractors get ready. Then we settled in and watched school bands and fire trucks and local farms parade by, including the high school senior class float that we were very bitter about (the year we were seniors, it downpoured and the entire parade was canceled. CANCELED. We did get to collect some candy that rained down on us from float after float, though. (I promise, we let the kids get some, too.)

paradeparade loot, of a 24-year-old

Then came the fair. Then entire town goes to the fair. There's dust flying and tractors sputtering and chickens squawking and kids screaming on rides.

The fair's always so nostalgic. I have memories of feeling exhilarated as a little kid at the thought of having ten whole dollars to spend on rides and games and cotton candy, of staying out till past dark wrapped up in sweaters as the air got chillier, of riding home in the car and barely being able to keep my eyes open as I clutched my balloon-game prize. Or when I was a little older and finally got to walk around the fairgrounds with my friends, giddy at being able to be completely on our own. Or when I was in high school and met up with boys at the fair, riding the ferris wheel and sharing cotton candy. Or when I was in college and decided not to come home the second weekend in September, and missing it terribly.

Pretty much, the fair is great.

prize-winning giant-vegetableshi goatgoats are too cutecowstilt-a-whirlsetting sun, dustthecobraalpacafrom the wheelfrom the wheelme, mary, fairferris wheel, swings

Until next year, Four Town Fair.


  1. Wow, this fair looks like so much fun. The rides, the animals and the candy. Good times. I love Tilt A Whirl!

  2. This is probably th only thing I wish I woulk have had growing up. I am from southern CA so we dont have the smalol town feel.

    Looks sooo awesome!

  3. fairs are always a good time, especially the food and by food I mean funnel cakes

  4. Oh wow this post gave me shivers!!! I feel like I was there!

  5. JEAL.OUS. So jealous! Is that you in the picture with MH and Mike? I love how their faces are exactly the same!

  6. :)
    this brought back so many memories for me!

    i'm from a very small town in south carolina and we would have little parades on Main St., and the whole town would be there!
    ooh, and how i miss the fair!! being 16, scoping out the boys, watching the country singers, watching most of my friends who clogged, (yep, it was the south), the rickety rides, and funnels cakes... ooooh the nostalgia!

  7. Amazing pictures! I love this.



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