Monday, September 20, 2010

the first day

Beginning a new job is like that terribly awkward dating stage in a relationship--you don't know anyone, you're not sure what's expected of you, you don't know where anything is, and it takes a long time to move out of it and onto the next stage. And it's damn annoying that it's so necessary.

That's what today was like. Today was my first day working two part-time jobs, that will presumably continue for a long period to come. Did I mention they're forty minutes away from each other? So when I have a small break in between shifts, my time will be spent driving to and fro. Argh!

However, I'm reminding myself that really, after 30 hours of training and weeks (or maybe months?) of practice, I will love being a barista for a company I love and support. And after all, it will get me to where I need to be, right? (Apartments do come with rents that need to be paid.)

The occasional mornings where I'll be leaving home at 3:45am might be leaving me in a less-than-optimistic state, though.

In the meantime, I'll continue drinking pumpkin lattes and holding on and enjoying the autumn foliage during my infinite time spent in the driver's seat.

trees, barnfrom the road

I'm nosy: tell me, do you enjoy your current jobs/careers/professions? I'm always interested in how people decide to make a living!


  1. Bravo! Very good! I guess the early mornings and the commute may be a drag, but you're loving it, so good!
    And you very well know my stance on careers :)
    PS: I'm emailing you within the next 24 hours, PROMISE.

  2. Love that you will be..."drinking pumpkin lattes and holding on and enjoying the autumn foliage during my infinite time spent in the driver's seat" while you get acquainted with your new job! :)

    As for my current job, I am an actor and so my days consist of auditions, call backs/producer sessions and filming from time to time, but I have lots of side jobs as well, which keeps things different, always changing and allows me to stay creative without doing the same thing every day...but that is an adventure in and of itself! :)

    Liesl :)

  3. Ooh, pumpkin lattes, sounds delicious! Our trees haven't started changing here yet, so I'm jealous of your autumn foliage! Your beautiful comment on my blog gave me warm fuzzies - thank you, thank you! I adore Mary Oliver, and when I saw your mention of her in you 'about' section, I knew I'd love reading your blog. 3:45 am is super freakin early, but at least you'll be surrounded by coffee! Looking forward to hearing how it goes.

  4. mmm pumpkin lattes!

    I am currently working at a personal injury law firm and I LOVE just about everything about my job.

    I am however aspiring to get a degree in psychology and become a school psychologist!

    Good luck!!

  5. that is a long drive but at least the scenery is pretty. I actually really like me job as a paralegal. I work at a same firm so it feels homey

  6. My mom spent the majority of my life in insurance & I used to loathe listening to her talk about deductibles and liabiity and balloon payments. Go figure, after a year I'd love to be in this business for the rest of my career.

    Good luck with your new job! I hope it's going well for you!


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