Wednesday, September 15, 2010

letter to _________.

You have broken my heart.
Just as well. Now
I am learning to rise
above all that, learning

the thin life, waking up
simply to praise
everything in this world that is
strong and beautiful

always – the trees, the rocks,
the fields, the news
from heaven, the laughter
that comes back

all the same. Just as well. Time
to read books, rake the lawn
in peace, sweep the floor, scour
the faces of the pans,

anything. And I have been so
diligent it is almost
over, I am growing myself
as strong as rock, as a tree

which, if I put my arms around it, does not
lean away. It is a
wonderful life. Comfortable.
I read the papers. Maybe

I will go on a cruise, maybe I will
cross the entire ocean, more than once.
Whatever you think, I have scarcely
thought of you. Whatever you imagine,

it never really happened. Only a few
evenings of nonsense. Whatever you believe – dear one, dear one – do not believe this letter.

--Mary Oliver

(I'm still attempting to understand the ending line here, but I know that I like it.)


  1. Very interesting and I too was stumped once I read the last line...but it makes you ponder! Lovely post!

    Liesl :)

  2. P.S. Love your blog and just wanted to let you know that I awarded you with the Sunshine Blog Award! :)

    Liesl :)

  3. I think the last line is hinting to the fact that although she says she is rising up and becomming stronger, those are only words. Deep down she is still. hurt and unable to rise from the pain.

  4. the poem symbolizes the fact that she is trying to overcome the heartache this man has put her through. the last line is saying that she is lying. she is just trying to talk herself out of the fact that she is still in love with the fellow. amazingfantasticbeautiful.


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