Thursday, October 8, 2009

Addendum to Giveaway--I am Really Silly

12am EST on Sunday, October 11th means in between Saturday and Sunday, doesn't it? As in, the middle of the night on Saturday?

I meant for my giveaway to end in the middle of the night on Sunday. So I guess really, it should say 12am EST on Monday, October 12th.

But that's silly, because I meant for it to end on Sunday, and announce the winner on Monday, and that could confuse silly readers like myself.

I've learned how to tell time, believe it or not. I think in second grade.

Am I confusing you yet? I should go. I'm confusing myself. It's this awful work week really setting in and getting to me. I apologize.

Hence, the giveaway ends by Sunday night. So enter by then, please.


1 comment:

  1. i've made this mistake a zillion times...

    you have an awesome blog!!

    i'm newish to the blog world... come follow me :)



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