Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Dapple Of My Weekend

Whew! This weekend was much needed, but it went by way too fast (which always happens, doesn't it?). I need a long weekend. Better yet, just give me a vacation. I'm tired of leaving the house when it's still semi-dark and coming home when it's semi-dark again.

My weekend:

I did a lot of driving, it feels like. I'm still slowly working on emptying my car of the weekend's remnants. Sometimes I think I need a closet and a kitchen in there.

I finally finished making my Halloween costume! And not a moment too soon, because Friday night I drove the two hours to my old roommate Stephanie's town for a charity costume party.
And we were matching flappers! I've always wanted to sew my own flapper dress. I even fashioned some sort of headband/headwrap/flower thing, which kept sliding down my forehead.
I got to spend some time with her boyfriend, Alex, too. I've hardly met him but heard so much about him. Isn't that weird when you have a best friend you know so well, but not their significant other?
Steph and Ruth, at it again. Just like in South Africa. How I've missed that girl.
I took lots of pictures of the fall leaves, realizing I had better hurry before they're all gone (more to come on this!)
I hung out with Stella a lot. She gets me. (I really think cats are intuitive and understand your feelings and moods. Is that weird?)
My neighbor, whose kids I nanny/babysit for, went into labor early this morning, so I spent some time at her hourse, babysitting and folding teeny-tiny baby clothes. It was just a false alarm, but I cannot wait until there's a little baby girl next door I can hold for hours.
Stella and I were a little under the weather this weekend. I think we overdid it. At least, I think I did. She's always lazy. So we were lazy together.
And it rained. A lot. Driving home Saturday night in torrential downpours was not so fun.
I love this picture. The beads reflecting the light are from a vintage flapper purse my mom let me use that used to belong to her grandmother. Yay for vintage! (And more on this to come, too!)

I hope you all had wonderful weekends as well. It's almost Halloween! I'm counting down the days. Mostly because once Halloween is over, I can start looking forward to Thanksgiving. When Rachel and Abby and everyone far-away can come back home to me.

I sure hope this week doesn't drag by. At least go by normal-speed. Ha. Wishful thinking . . .


  1. ooo, you did great on the flapper costume, too cute!

    and i also love fall leaves, i wish i had more of that here- i'm pretty jealous of this one!!

    and your black cat... i'm more of a dog person myself, but i always said the only kind of cat i wanted is a black one... probably because i love halloween? and yes, i do think they're intuitive.

  2. You were such a cute flapper! I really hope the baby is born today - October 26 is a pretty sweet day to be born. And did you take that picture WHILE you were driving? tsk tsk


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