Monday, October 12, 2009

A Dapple of My Weekend

What a weekend. Is it Monday night? Already? Wasn't it just Thursday morning (getting an early-morning breakfast before work and school at The Country Diner with the girls)?

Saturday, a day trip to Salem was in store. I've always wanted to go during the Halloween season and we finally did it. It wasn't quite what I was expecting (more commercial and so much less historic) but it was still a fun day.

A lunch at Salem Beer Works wasn't such a bad addition to the afternoon, either.

Rachel came home this weekend! We didn't see much of her, because she came home for bridesmaid duties for a friend's wedding, but Sunday afternoon we had a little birthday party for her, complete with a castle cake (at her request). I kind of ran with it and made the whole party pink-and-red themed.

I really don't think there's anything I love more than making reusable party decorations--pink flags!

Gallavanting through the woods (or "country," as Rachel the city-girl now calls it) was another fun part of our weekend.

And pumpkins. I think they're the only thing I like about the color orange. I love pumpkins. Halloween, here we come!

I was lucky enough to get today off (although I really feel hypocritical seeing as how I feel this is hardly a day to be celebrated) but I think that's going to make going to work tomorrow that much harder. Spending the day with Rachel before she flew off once again was well worth it, though!

Tell me: how was your weekend?


  1. You take great pics! You should get a fancy camera! :)

  2. That's so funny--I was just telling SOMEONE that I wanted one for Christmas....


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