Thursday, October 15, 2009

saga of a bad stylist.

Do you have a brain? Can you wield a pair of scissors?

CONGRATULATIONS. You just beat my hair stylist.

I wish I was kidding. But all my worrying was not in vain. (Okay, so maybe I was just screwing myself over because I decided to see a new, random stylist, but really--how much bad luck can one possibly have with a hairdresser? I sort of figured I couldn't possibly have any more and hoped this one would be super and fabulous.)

Wrong, Ruth. So wrong.

Close your eyes and let's paint a little picture, shall we? You walk into a pleasant hair salon. It's upscale, modern, and smells nice. It even has interior brick--you fall in love instantly. It's bustling for 6:30 on a Wednesday night, so you figure it must be popular. A nice girl takes you to wash your hair (even throwing in a little scalp massage!) and brings you to your chair, combs your hair, and tells you Becky* will be right with you. You furtively glance around, trying to guess which one is Becky. Is she the old one, terribly dressed but with fabulous silver hair? Is she the one who cannot possibly be more than eighteen, too cool to wear an apron and instead donning a shirt straight out of the 80s with leggings and Uggs? Is she one of the countless 30-somethings with pin-straight obviously-dyed blonde hair and an eternal side bang? Or is she the one sitting right next to you, chatting loudly while waiting with a client whose hair she has just dyed? That couldn't possibly be her, right? Someone with a good name like Becky couldn't be that rude. Ha, I thought to myself. Imagine if that were my hairdresser--how rude would that be to keep sitting there talking to someone you're already done with while I've been sitting here waiting for a solid five minutes? Right?

Two seconds later she gets up, pats me on shoulder nonchalantly, and tells me she'll be right with me as she walks away. NO JOKE. I'd feel pretty damn guilty if I knew my client was sitting there wet-headed and antsy while I sat and chatted it up with someone else. And that wasn't even the tip of the iceberg.

I brought aforementioned pictures. She grabbed them out of my hand and flipped through them before I could even explain them. I believe her exact words were, "Ugh, this bang's too heavy. Ugh, this one's too light. And this one is just--" and she scowled and tossed them to the counter.


I made sure she knew what I wanted, and let her get to work without frantically screaming just yet. Once she had cut them, which didn't look too bad at first, I had to blatantly order her to cut them shorter (which I suppose is better than being too short) because she was insisting they were a good length.

I could hardly see my reflection through them.

Now tell me--when you pay a decent amount for a professional haircut, should you have to fix it when you get home? Should you have to hem and haw in front of the bathroom mirror while snipping here and there to make your uneven bangs even? No, I didn't think so.

Therefore, I've chalked up yet another bad haircutting experience to my perpetual bad luck. THIS is why I cut my own hair. If I could reach the back or if I actually knew the proper tecnhique of bang-forming, I'd never see another professional again. But alas, I'm stuck.

So if you know how to handle a client professionally, have a clue about hair, and don't snap your gum in public--would you be my new stylist? I bet you'd be fantastic.

(No but really, if you live in my area and know someone good--YOU MUST TELL ME!)

So if you've made it all the way here through that long-winded and rambling rant, here's a before and after shot for your viewing pleasure:

These are obviously wavy vs. straight, but you get the idea. I'm still getting used to them and still fiddling around with them. Hopefully once I style my hair curly, like I usually do, the bangs will look a bit more natural. They definitely could have been worse, so I shouldn't be complaining.

And the funniest part of all--guess who wanted to be twins as soon as I got home:

Yep. MH wanted me to cut her bangs, too.

*I contemplated substituting a made-up name, but then shot it to hell. Her name was Becky and she sucked.


  1. You looked pretty before and after! When you pay the bucks, they should treat you better than that! Try, try, again!

  2. I'm sorry your experience was so horrible!! Oh man!
    But, really, i think your hair looks nice! I love it!

  3. I have to admit, I scrolled all the way down to look at the pics first, then read the whole thing.

  4. Oh no! I haven't had luck since I got my bangs cut. the first time I got them cut (two months ago) it was a disaster - they were uneven and horrible - far too thin. I had to go home and cut them myself, but they were still terrible. So I went to another place and got them fixed - and they turned out great. But then last week I got a trim and got something that looks like a short bowl cut - cue me fretting with a pair of scissors again. I think I'm going to grow mine out - so much hassle!! If it's any consolation - yours look great now that you've fixed them!! xx

  5. Aw thanks you guys! Here's to GOOD hair stylists :)

  6. I really like the bangs too! It's too bad you ran in to such a rude stylist though. I've definitely had some VERY bad experiences when I try to switch to a new salon. I've stuck with the same stylist in Northampton for at least 6 or 7 years now. Not only is she good with hair, but she's also super cool and professional too.

  7. Aww that does sound like an awful experience! And it's weird that they washed your hair before your stylist looked at it. How is she supposed to know what kind of hair you have if she only sees it wet? I DO however, think you look fabulous now. And so does your twin.

  8. EEEK. That's terrible. You look adorable, but I know the pain of visiting a rotten stylist. One once put red in my color without telling me because she thought it would look good. It took me months to get rid of it!


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