Monday, October 5, 2009

Brooklyn Weekend

Brooklyn was fun. Apparently, Brooklyn is always fun. Apparently, it's the funnest place to be. More fun than Connecticut, especially northern Connecticut. It's not like it's even Greenwich or Fairfield or New Haven (three places that, honestly, I would not like to live, anyways). It's northern Connecticut, and it's not as fun as Brooklyn, apparently.

I rode the New York City subway for the first time. I know. I saved my ticket as a memento.

Kate's neighborhood is beautiful. I'd like to live in one of those large, handsome brownstones. Just like Sesame Street, I swear.

I was treated to brunch and snapped a photo while Kate took a phone call from a famous actress, fielding an offer to become her personal assistant. Ah, the life of a New Yorker. (Kate informed me that I happened upon a rare, exciting weekend, and that she doesn't usually receive calls from celebrities. I'd like to make-believe otherwise, though.)

Who knew subways could be so exciting?

The Brooklyn Bridge, in Dumbo. That means Down Under The Manhattan Bridge Overpass. So clever, that New York.

The flea market was held right under the Brooklyn Bridge. Very cool.

The raspberry popsicles we bought were very cool, too.

My weekend also consisted of happy hour with coworkers at an Irish pub, babysitting for a brand new family (always fun to meet new kids!), going on a "squishie" hunt with MH (the fads these kids are into these days, I tell ya), and working on some top-secret party-planning for a very special girl.

Now who's ready for another work week?!

I miss my comfy cozy bed already.


  1. Woohoo party time!! I'm glad you had fun in New York!

  2. It's your weekend host...thanks for the visit! the pictures look great! come back soooooon.

  3. The silver lining has to have a cloud(work).

  4. Wow, what a wonderful trip!! I'd love to visit NYC.

    Saskia x

  5. ruth, next time you're in town, stop by manhattan! i know the hipsters are all in the better borough, but....


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