Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Calling All Camera Aficionados


So I've been taking all my pictures for the past few years with my trusty Canon PowerShot. Don't get me wrong--I love it. I really do. It does everything I need and expect from a point-and-shoot.


I feel like I need to move on. These photos just aren't cutting it anymore. Of course, the camera's great for stuffing into my purse and whipping out in a moment's notice (I have a habit of taking pictures while walking and driving . . .), but what about real pictures?

And that's what I keep saying. I need a real camera. I want to take real pictures. And by real, I mean DSLR.

So. My birthday is coming up (in eight days!) and Christmas isn't too far off on the horizon either (what?!) and a DSLR is top on my list. But these things are not inexpensive. And being the ridiculously rational, logical man that he is, my father has asked me to tell him what kind of camera I'm looking for so he can start looking for the best deals.

So I'm turning to you, bloggers. If you use a DSLR camera that you enjoy, please share! I need something not-too-complicated and good for a beginner. Thank you in advance!

(Photo via ethermoon)


  1. I stepped up from a Canon PowerShot to a Canon Digital Rebel because it was relatively affordable and I really needed something to learn on that I wouldn't be too intimidated to use once I got it. Though I will upgrade the camera body eventually, I love the Rebel.

  2. Ruth,
    I have a Canon Rebel EOS XT and I love it. You can opt out lenses it is quick, light, excellent pics and GREAT price. I am an avid photography, medium format camera, an Canon Elan, Leica, I have pretty much used and own them all. I read some where long ago that you can have the best most expensive camera in the world but unless you take a lot of pictures, study from what you have taken and learn to take better ones it doesn't matter how much $$$$ you spend on the camera the pictures still will only be so so. Some of the best pictures in the world were taken from a very simple no bells and whistles camera. From my blog...one2achieve, all the pics were from my Canon. I have bought all of my equipment, except my medium format camera and Leica, from BH Photovideo in NY online. They are awesome. Five Star. Any questions just drop me a line. Your pics are beautiful so I think any camera you choose will be just fine.

  3. I have a Pentax K200D. I really like it, easy to use, not to bad price range, and really sturdy (I'm klutzy so this is important) I got it from B&H too - they are great. A lot of the camera stores all have used camera selections which can be nice when buying a more expensive camera.

    BTW- Your flapper dress came out great.

  4. Thanks so much you guys! I'm totally emailing my dad while I type this . . .


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