Wednesday, October 7, 2009

it's a photo swap

The lovely Saskia of Saskia's Spot posted about this really cool opportunity: a photo swap!

Here's what you do: sign up by October 18th over at For The Easily Distracted (I've just become a follower--such a great blog!), take a roll of film (must be able to develop, not print), and exchange your roll with another blogger. You get to see all the photos they've taken and then share them on your blog for everyone else to see.

I've just signed up, and you should, too!

(It made my gross, rainy, off-to-a-bad-start morning a little brighter!)


  1. Thanks for linking to me! I'm so glad you've signed up... I think it's a fabulous idea!

    Hope your day continues to cheer up!

    Saskia xx

  2. Such a cute idea! It will be interesting to see what you get!

  3. This is so great! I love coming here. You have such a lovely, wonderful blog and beautiful photos on your Flickr... I landed here directly from Rhianne's blog, and glad that I did. Goodluck with the photoswap! :)

  4. I'M DOING THIS TOO. im syked.
    i hope i don't get yours!!


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