Monday, October 26, 2009

colors of fall.

When the leaves first started changing and Labor Day ended, I had a revelation--this is the first fall season I've been home in four years.

Four years ago I unwittingly left home and moved in to college. Granted, I only went forty-five minutes away to UConn, but still. The concrete buildings and neverending sidewalks weren't exactly ideal for admiring the fall foliage and picking pumpkins--especially without a car to get off campus.

This year, I felt like I was actually awake. And here. And could enjoy it all.

Not having hours upon hours of homework to distract me was also a plus.

I saw MH get ready for her first day of school (when she went to kindergarten I went to college, so it was entirely new to me), I went apple picking and was actually able to come home and cook with them, and I could enjoy driving around town and admiring the leaves.

Funny, it took four years of being away at college for me to really appreciate fall.

What makes you appreciate autumn?


  1. Not having to go to YOUR first day of school as well definitely helps!

  2. i hear you! i never appreciated autumn until i moved to LA and didn't have one!!
    crisp fall weather, orange trees, fallen leaves, temperatures reaching below 73... oohh, i need to get back to the east coast asap!

  3. beautiful pictures... they make me want to drink hot apple cider :-)

  4. I connected with you through another blog. This is my first visit. I think you might connect with what I was blogging about. I love these fall photos they are so clean and crisp. I will be back to your blog again.

  5. i appreciate autumn because
    it is so fleeting. summer
    stays too long and winter
    blows in too soon. we only
    get such a short amount of
    time with fall's bounty.

    came via meg fee's blog : )

  6. meg fee = the wild & wily
    ways of a brunette bombshell :)

  7. Wow, fantastic pics and words.
    Love your new header too!


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