Tuesday, October 13, 2009

missing south africa.

Do you remember?

When we would trek down Main Road in Mowbray, through Claremont and into Rondebosch? We'd try our best to stay out of way of the swerving minibus taxis almost barrelling onto the sidewalks and avoided any eye contact with hawkers trying to get us to take their taxis before they moved on again.

Do you remember?

When we would wake up late on Thursday mornings because we were so tired from trance-dancing at Roots the night before (well, it was Wednesday, ater all) and run to the Jammie shuttle and hope to get to University of Cape Town in time for class? Sometimes stopping for those vegetable samosas and guava juices were really just making us even later, but wasn't it worth the embarrassment of walking into class smiling?

Do you remember?

Filling up just one backpack with all three of our computers so we wouldn't look too vulnerable for a mugging, and traipse down the street and across the highway into Observatory to Cocoa Cha Chi to get our fix of paper-writing and cappuccinos (and sometimes big cookies)? Cocoa Wah Wah was a good second resort, too--even though it didn't compare. We could spot those orange awnings and fences anywhere.

Do you remember?

If you don't, maybe this will remind you.

Remember? We could never take a picture of it ourselves--whipping out our cameras on the street would have been asking for it. Thank God for Google.

Somehow, I miss being in college.


  1. I didn't know that you were in SA for your degree... lucky you! I LOVED Cape Town when I visited in 06. Wonderful place.

    Saskia x

  2. I wish I could ride an MBT to work NOW!! Maybe next time I'm with Steph we can have her do her imitation of the hawker yelling out the names of all the destinations the bus is going to make. And what I wouldn't give for one of those big cookies right now!


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