Wednesday, October 14, 2009

chop chop.

I've thought about it long and hard. I've labored over Google images. I have my pictures printed out. I've rehearsed what I'm going to say. I know what I want. And I know what I don't want.

That's right: I'm getting a haircut.

BANGS, no less.

I'm so excited. And so @#!**^ nervous.

If you see a post after 8pm today that's titled something like, "OH NO SHE DIDN'T" or "GIMME A BANDANA, PRONTO" or "THAT'S IT, IT'S ALL COMING OFF," you'll know something went terribly wrong. And that I'll probably be posting from inside my closet, or under my bed, or behind a door somewhere.


As long as I don't come out looking like this:

Poor Kristen Stewart.

Here goes . . . wish me luck!


  1. Good luck! Can't wait to see it!

  2. Make sure they don't cut your bangs too short! I am currently growing out some short bangs - I only asked for a trim!! x

  3. Ha ha even if it's the worst haircut in the world, at least you'll still look better than K.Stew!

    Can't wait to see the new haircut!

  4. Well she looks kind of cute, no?
    Good luck. I bet it'll look fabulous. Bangs are scary though!

  5. sweet deal! Hope it looks awesome!

  6. fuck kristin stewart.
    I am so glad to hear baby bangs are coming back . i love them on you. realy. the best look for you. i hope i was an inspiration ; )

  7. Thanks guys! Whew, they didn't come out too bad, but I think I got the worst hairdresser of all time--I tried someone new :/ I'll post an update soon!

  8. I know what you mean! I'm usually at least a little bit nervous when I get my hair cut, especially if I'm going from no bangs to bangs since it's a commitment! I did that recently and I'm happy to report I was happy with the outcome :-) I'm sure yours will come out great! good luck!


    Arianna Belle


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