Monday, October 12, 2009

And the winner is . . . . .

Bethany of Bloom!

Congratulations, Bethany! Email me your mailing address and your choice of earrings or necklace from The Art Process on Etsy!
Thank you for all who participated and be sure to check back for more fun giveaways!
(And thank you so much to all my new followers--I can't wait to check out your blogs!)
Happy blogging!


  1. What did I say?~?~?!?!?!? 18 is VERY close to 20!

  2. How did I miss this? Thanks for letting me know Ruth. How exciting. I never win things. Just been over there drooling over all the lovely jewelry. So hard to decide? Do I treat myself or get a Christmas gift? What a fantastic treat. Thannks so much to wonderful you and amazing Jannalyn!

  3. Shoot, I meant JANA!
    Thanks Ruth and Jana!!!!


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