Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Dapple Of My Weekend

This weekend I:
:: took my own advice and stopped at Stop & Shop on my way home from work
and bought some hypericum to brighten my bedroom
:: cooked homemade pad thai for dinner
:: finally got my car an oil change, despite the fact that I had to wake up
waaaay too early for a Saturday morning
:: made pumpkin waffles for the first time ever
:: worked on my super-cool Halloween costume
:: ate fast food. please don't tell anyone.
:: went with free tickets to an amusement park, even though it was freezing--we went
at night, just in time for their haunted graveyard (they don't mess around, people . . .)
:: spent a gloomy, droopy Sunday watching Office reruns
and getting my life in order before the start of another work week
:: tried my hand at baked apples (the kitchen smelled heavenly)
:: watched a silly movie
:: tried out the Wii fit--and now I want one!
And alas, it is Monday again. What did you do this weekend?


  1. sounded like a productive fun weekend.

  2. I love this batch of photos! I made homemade mac & cheese for J and our friend Marc, and visited with J's nieces and nephew in NH. Got my oil changed too...had to drive 40 minutes to the dealer for it, ugh!

  3. Mmm I don't think there's much in this world that tops homemade mac and cheese . . . sounds yummy!


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