Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Very First Giveaway!

Well folks, my very first giveaway is here. WOOHOO!

This artist is a very close friend of mine, so of course I'd love her stuff either way, but seriously, her work is good. I've mentioned her on this blog before, but now's your chance to enter win something of hers that you can call your very own. Or give as a gift. Whatever you choose. But once you see it, you'll probably want to keep it.

The gracious Jana of The Art Process has volunteered to give away a piece of jewelry of your choice--one pair of earrings or one necklace--from her Etsy shop. (I hear she's working on bracelets as we speak, too . . . )

Just visit Jana's shop here, and leave a comment below by 12am EST on Sunday, October 11th. On Monday I'll randomly select a winner, so be sure to check back! See a few of my favorites below (I swear, the clever names are almost my favorite part):

"Facetted Paint"

"Gypsy Kisses"

"Owls Sitting In Their Nests"

"The Sultan's Hat"
Aren't they gorgeous? Enter enter enter! Good luck!


  1. All I have to do is comment?! Whoo-hoo! I love those green drops!

  2. This is a great idea! Good luck!
    btw. i like the names too! i love the little owls hehe

  3. Adorable shop! I especially love the Sea Berry Earrings. They're simple yet CUTE! :)

  4. How funny we're both doing giveaways at the exact same time!

    I love the necklace...

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


  5. What a charming little etsy shop. Thanks for introducing it to me - such cute works! x

    ps: I'm your newest follower!! :)

  6. Great shop! My fave are the Sea Berry Earrings, they are so simple yet beautiful.

  7. comment comment I loveeee jana!

  8. i have those green drops! i should prob give them back since they were a drunken present, but i love them! :(!!!

  9. hahah, it's ok "EL" I have them listed as "made to order"
    Which makes sense.


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