Monday, March 1, 2010

(500) days of summer

Okay, so before this weekend, I was apparently the sole woman left on earth who had yet to see this film. I really don't know why I hadn't seen it before. But I'm so glad I did.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt is just the cutest thing. I fell in love with him, and the tweed-jacket-wearing Tom Hansen even more. Dare I say he even ranks up there with Heath Ledger? (Their similar looks are uncanny...)

I wasn't crazy about Zooey Deschanel in this movie, though. Normally I love her to death, but something about her just left a funny taste in my mouth. Her character I didn't even mind so much--it was just her. (Although I wanted every single one of her outfits and hairstyles...)

I'm a huge proponent, too, of realistic movies. I know a lot of people didn't like this one because of that very reason, but I found it charming. I like that it didn't end in typical fairytale-fashion and represented a real-life scenario. Not that I loved the ending, however--it was still a bit sad (and, well, slightly cheesy).

One of my favorite lines?

Paul: "So what happened?"
Tom: "You ready? So there were were nine more floors to ride, just me and her."

Tom: "Hey, Summer."
Summer: "Hi."
Tom: "How was your weekend?"
Summer: "It was gooood."

Tom: "Can you believe that shit?"
McKenzie: "I'm sorry, what shit?"
Paul: "Yeah, I think I missed something."
Tom: "She said it was good, emphasis on the good. She basically said she spent the weekend having sex with some guy she met at the gym. Skank."


If you've seen it, what did you think of it? (Five months later, I know)

(Photo via)


  1. Um. I LOVED this movie. Call me a band-wagon jumper, but man oh man, I thought it was just about perfect. It probably didn't help that I had just gone through a break-up when I saw it for the first time, but its little nuances and the writing had me from the get go. Not to mention Joseph G-L. Is he not THE most adorable thing you've ever seen. Plus, pretty amazing soundtrack.


    Although, I have to agree with you about Zooey. I was just kind of "eh" about her in this role.

  2. I recently saw this movie for the first time too. I'm not sure how I missed it. I liked that it was realstic too. I thought it was so true to life sometimes. It sucks but it happens. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is now my guy crush ever since seeing that movie. The "goood" weekend was one of my favorite parts!!!

  3. O I absolutely loved it.
    My favorite part was probably the opening credits, slash the musical number. And my friends and I are all gaga over JGL now, I was swooning the entire movie.

  4. I used to have the biggest crush on him when he was on that show 3rd Rock from the Sun! Oh man.

    I finally got around to watching this movie only a few weeks ago. And I hate to be *that* person, especially on your blog, but I didn't like this movie! I thought it was shot very creatively and artistically, but I found myself annoyed with the dialogues/scripting. Plus, I immediately dislike films that are overly blatant on being an "indie" film: "oh, you like the Smiths? I do to!"
    And to finish my rant: I think I'm the only person on this planet who doesn't like Zooey. Even outside of this film.
    Blah! Sorry! I'm usually a fan of these sort of things, and I hate being the naysayer!

    Though if it helps, I found Joseph's loft he lived in (complete with chalkboard wall) to be the greatest loft I've seen in a very, very long time!

  5. I like your honest review of this film...My friend Ruth (in real life haha) didn't respond well to Zooey's character either and I of course built up the movie A LOT...I just love it to bits!!!!! I know what you are saying about the Heath Ledger connection too! Their smiles can make a girl melt :)

  6. I thought it was AMAZING! I went to see it with my friend Ben and found it really interesting! I liked the ending too because it wasn't fairy tale.
    I agree his siliarities to Heath Ledger are Uncanny! I love hiM! lol

  7. um this is like my freaking favorite movie of all time! i used to be exactly like zooey's character so i think that's why i related so well to her hahah

  8. just today i wrote down two movies to see, 500 days and a single man with colin firth. my first visit to your blog!

  9. I feel that 500 Days of Summer is one of those movies that I will like better the second time. You have inspired me to watch it again!

  10. i LOVED it! and i'm with you, i'm all about the realistic movies. even to the point where they're so real it makes you feel awkward.

  11. Skank! Haha. Loved this movie :)

  12. I absolutely adored it. The ending was SO perfect!


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