Thursday, March 18, 2010

spring fever

I've got it, all right.

And I'm not happy about it.

(Please excuse the following rant.)

My mom just texted me a picture of my little sister having a picnic in the grass, somewhere sunny with a blue sky in the background and surrounded by green grass. With it came the following text: "We're having a picnic. What are you doing?"

I could have screamed. While they're outside enjoying the sun and warmth, I'm stuck in a bomb-shelter-like office with no windows and these damn flourescent lights. (I think I blog about the flourescent lighting in my office at least once a week, angrily.) I stepped out of the office for 15 minutes to pick up paychecks and made sure to roll my windows alllll the way down, only to have it snatched back from me the moment I stepped back inside school. I'm slightly hungover from fesitivities yesterday and it's taking slightly longer than I thought it would have to recover. I haven't had a cup of coffee all day because I'm too lazy to get up and make it, and I only had $1 dollar left over from last night and hate to charge a $3 latte. Not to mention, I got home at an ungodly hour last night (for a Wednesday, at least) and am running on very few hours of sleep. I need my sleep. Negligent coworkers are annoying me and I have too much to do before I have to teach a class of 14 very angry 3rd graders in one hour. And I have to babysit overnight right after work so I can't even look forward to some downtime when I'm done.

I love spring, but this is not spring. Isn't spring supposed to make you happier? Is it Saturday yet?


  1. That's a fever, indeed! So sorry my dear... :(

  2. The day is almost over...and it's days like yours that make you appreciate not-hung-over-much-nicer-days, which I hope will come for you this weekend maybe!

  3. Almost Saturday! So so close. And the weather throughout the East Coast is supposed to stay this gorgeous all weekend, no?

  4. oh.. i feel sorry about that. that's terrible
    well, too bad i don't had a spring season in here :(

    hope you'll get a wonderful spring :)



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