Wednesday, March 10, 2010

sixty degrees in newport

I did it. I finally did it.

I went somewhere, and did something, all on my own.

I don't mean went to the store or saw a movie or took a walk by myself, in case that's what you're thinking. (Who is this girl? Who can't do something on their own? Anyone can do something on their own. Pfft.)

Quite honestly, I was extremely wary of going somewhere by myself. It even gave me anxiety trying to think of where to go and what to do and how long to be gone. I put it off for weeks. This, fortunately, reinforced to me how much I really needed to do it. After all, if I can't feel comfortable spending time with myself, how's anyone else going to?

So, I did it. I decided an overnight would be too much (read: I'd be way too scared), so I settled on a day trip. Rachel recommended I see Newport with its cliffs and mansions and beaches. I did some Googling and made the decision an hour later, probably out of a desire to not worry about it anymore. It was only a couple hours away, seemed relaxing enough, and I'd actually never been.

I'm so glad I went. I sat on the beach (there were even people in the water), walked the cliffwalk, took a yoga class, browsed through thrift stores, and dined alone. I hardly even noticed the time.

And I took way too many pictures, too. I quickly realized that being a solo traveler means no pictures of oneself--therefore, I embraced the soloness and set my camera timer. With people around. It was nice, only worrying about myself.

I have this theory that beaches are even more beautiful in the wintertime. Maybe it's because I didn't grow up near any to see them throughout all the seasons, but it's weird to think they even exist when it's not 80 degrees out and they're not covered with umbrellas and sunbathers and sandy children. It's like a woodsy mountain in the summertime. I think I can just better enjoy them for what they're really worth, somehow.

I left that evening feeling happier than I'd been in a very long time, and I was proud to think that it all came about on my own accord. It's nice to treat yourself every now and then; even necessary, I think. I've always been an introvert and enjoyed my alone time, but I can't wait to do something like this again. If you've ever thought about taking a solo vacation, I say DO IT.

Although, if you have an irrational fear driving over bridges over water like I do, Rhode Island may not be your best choice. Yipes.


  1. wow, you're brave. i have only recently fallen in love with spending time by myself in the quiet of my own home... the prospect of spending an entire day heading somewhere unknown is thrilling, but frightening at the same time. so glad to hear your experience was a good one.

  2. I'm so proud of you! I've long been a fan of solo travels- I think they tend to bring out a part of us that otherwise lies quiet and dormant. And Newport looks so beautiful!! I'm incredibly jealous of your beach time... too, too wonderful.

    Also, I just wanted to let you know that I'm so enjoying reading your blog. I appreciate your thoughts and imagery- I think that perhaps one day, if ever I am in New England, I'd like to grab a cup with Ruth :)

  3. I'm glad you had fun!!!! I love solo days and Newport is a wonderful place to be. I agree about the beach in winter too. So much more peaceful and friendly to fair skinned people like myself!...

    What's so scary about driving over bridges in RI?? We're all focused on the road, hence this picture I took:
    I'M KIDDING! I heard somewhere that we have the WORST drivers in the US! I wonder if that is still true!?!?!? :)

  4. yay Ruth!!
    It looks like you had a beautiful day!! i Can't wait til spring break so i can get away for a day or two! You've inspired me to just go someplace fun!
    So happy you enjoyed yourself! :D

  5. Oh....I LOVE this post! yay you, what a wonderful and empowering day you had!

  6. Yay Ruth! Love this post. That bridge is a long and high one, you should be really proud. I go there for a library meeting at least once a year. Beautiful place.

  7. byyyyyy the way, I forgot to get back to you!
    seriously, best ever!

  8. I'm so glad you did this and had such a good time!

  9. loved this post. so happy you enjoyed yourself.

  10. Great post, great day! I am terrified of that bridge, but Newport is worth it.

  11. That is so awesome! Go you!
    I'm glad your solo-gamble paid off so well.

  12. I used to be terrified of eating alone, at a restaurant, but then I did it. I went alone and told the waiter table for one, and although I was a bit aprehensive I looked around and there were other people, eating alone. So it wasn't so bad. Now I don't mind it. It's a great accomplishment what you did, and liberating and shows independence. good for you!

    A Mexican chica living in Europe


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