Monday, March 1, 2010

this has been in the back of my mind for days

(Found via Hope Chella)


  1. Awe, thanks for mentioning me :)

    I truly agree with this quote to the extent that as individuals we are "good enough". Although we put pressure on ourselves and want to better who we are etc. etc. it is not our responsibility (or in our control, no matter how hard we try) to make others love us (whether it be platonic or not). We need to be who we are, open to love, willing to give all that we have and if someone doesn't respond to who we are, then that connection will likely not form...

    I know I am RAMBLING but for real...I think of my best friends and boyfriend and realize that those relationships are practically effortless...and then I think of the people I meet whom I want SO MUCH to like me (either in the past or present) and how no matter what I do/did there is something that doesn't make things click...It can be annoying though especially when you want something like a job, people at work or a crush to respond to you...and yet they don't...But it really goes both ways...and nothing is personal but everything is personal...Sigh.

  2. love this quote - so true!

  3. aw just wonderful :)

  4. Brilliant. A lot of people find this a hard thing to do.


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