Monday, March 8, 2010

kreativ blogger award

Hurray! Another award! This time, I have Melanie from Secret Notebooks to thank. If you haven't visited her blog yet, you must.

Okay, so I'm supposed to list seven things you don't know about me? I won't admit how long it took me to come up with this stuff:

1. I was homeschooled for six years as a kid with my brother and sister. I've got lots of strong opinions about homeschooling, but I look back on those years as some of the best of my childhood.

2. Part of me doesn't want to go to grad school, because it feels so limiting. It astounds me to think that one could choose one profession for an entire lifetime. I want to be a social worker, yes. But I also want to be a midwife, and a yoga teacher, and a writer, and a photographer, and a graphic designer, and a coffee-shop-owner . . .

3. I used to have every single english preposition memorized. In alphabetical order. I aced those tests. Unfortunately, I can't get past the Bs now.

4. I've never been farther west than Philadelphia, or farther south than North Carolina, in the United States. I think this is sad.

5. I have an absurd love for grocery shopping. I can spend hours wandering and looking and comparing and buying. . .

6. I've changed my mind about Facebook so many times I think I've lost count. Deactivate, reactivate, deactivate, reactivate--right now, I'm reactivated. We'll see how long this lasts.

7. I used to hate running so much, I'd fake menstrual cramps or shin splints in gym class so I wouldn't have to run laps or the mile. Now, I run almost every day, voluntarily, and want to run the Thanksgiving Day Manchester Road Race.

Thanks, Melanie!


  1. Great list Ruth!
    I used to try and get out of gym class every week too. My mom, who was not much into exercise herself, would gladly write me a note with some kind of lame excuse. Of course now I gladly work out as often as I can.

    You can deactivate and reactivate your Facebook account? Hmm..might need to head over there...

  2. Congrats and well deserved :)

  3. Oh! You should write TONS more about your homeschooling! I've always been so fascinated by that approach, I'm even considering it for my future kid, if he/she ever pops out.
    And we're 100% same on numbers 2 and 5.
    And girl! I had only been to three states in the US by the time I turned 18; I can understand the lack of US travel bit. But now you must go! This country is so diverse and beautiful to me (only geographically speaking at the moment); there's nothing like traveling to Texas and eating barbeque, or dungeonous crab in Seattle, or a georgia peach in georgia. Had I ever done these three things? No. But they're on my list of To Do :)

  4. love this list, made me smile.
    you're a gem Ruth, really really.

  5. Lovely list:)

    One day you will travel farther than that and enjoy yourself so much!

    I hate facebook. I deleted it over a year ago just before I graduated college and it was the best thing I ever did. In fact, I just ranted about this on E-Tells Tales today in her comments. I think it was the worst thing invented.

    I'm with you on the grocery shopping! LOVE it. I beg to do the grocery shopping because I love to peruse through every single aisle and take my time and pick things up and scour food items. Just love it!

  6. I was homeschooled for four years! I like to think it makes for brilliant, interesting grownups, but I'd never homeschool my own children.


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