Friday, March 12, 2010


My body sways.

My eyes hurt.

My hands shake.

My sinuses ache.

My head pounds.

All Friday posts point towards spring,
but I can only think of a point in time when my head won't hurt.

I say to you, anticipated-Friday-afternoon, "Boo. Boo. Booooooo."

And to think, I was just saying yesterday how much I looked forward to you. For shame.


  1. Sounds like somebody needs a weekend!

  2. Ohh, sorry dear. if it makes you feel better, i had to get a pap smear today while hungover beyond words.
    and they weighed me - the first time i've been weighed in about 2 years - and i'm pms-bloated and had on my boots, a bulky sweater, jacket and bladder full; and i'm really hoping that all of that attributed to my obscene poundage...! i sulked all day afterward in front of the tv with macaroni and cheese.

  3. :( you poor thing...

    vicks- lots and lots of vicks :)


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