Sunday, March 28, 2010

sore glutes, anyone?

Last weekend's hiking excursion with my mom and my sister definitely kicked my butt. Going to Pilates class right before probably didn't help much, but man--climbing uphill for 45 minutes is definitely a workout.


Of course, that was seven days ago when summer came early and it was 70 degrees and sunny outside. Which definitely gave me incentive to get outside and stretch my glutes.

We did some rock climbing.
And decided this boulder most definitely came from the glaciers of the Ice Age.


Which then led us to pretending we were actually in the Ice Age (the movie, of course), and tried not to get crushed by the rocks rolling our way.

Why yes, that sweater is tied around my waist like I'm in 1994 again, thank you for asking.


We ended the afternoon with acorn-top-whistle-blowing: you know, the important skills little sisters depend on big sisters to teach them.



  1. oh, and you pull the sweater around your waste off because your slim and cute.

    I used to do that in highschool so that people wouldn't think my butt was big. But it made it worse. Then I realized it was a good cover up for period leeks.

    TMI sorry

  2. FUN. I wish this weekend had been as warm. I love that you were the first person to comment on my Six Senses Sunday post today. My friend who pointed him out to me in the first place saw him AGAIN at the same place the next morning. She thinks he's stalking her, lol. Somehow I doubt that.

  3. "Why yes, that sweater is tied around my waist like I'm in 1994 again, thank you for asking."....cracked me up...I was running the other day outside and it got too hot for my liking so I took off my jumper and tied it around my waist and thought 'how many years has it been since I've done THIS!' gah! too funny.

    Love these images. what a gorgeous place, I love getting outside like this to spend time with family or get some exercise! Also, acorn blowing? I've never heard of this!

  4. Im trying to decide who in the group photo was the one that set the timer on the camera then had to run back and look natural before it took the picture :)
    i always avoid being that person, its too much pressure!
    awesome pics.


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