Monday, March 22, 2010


I've been putting off doing any work since I got here to the office.

That was four and a half hours ago.

I finally just got around to it.

And finished it in fifteen minutes.

Good thing I'm just a volunteer with a stipend.

But too bad I just downed my medium caramel latte in seven minutes flat and now have nothing to do.

This does not bode well for the rest of my Monday.

How does your Monday look?


  1. monday...
    went to class
    one class was cancelled
    went to panera bread
    (saw a hottie boy... i am talking jaw dropping hottie!)
    braided my hair...
    now i am at work typing this...
    Fail i think so!

    * plz forgive my spelling my work comp does not have spell check! (face-palm)

  2. hahaha thats what my workday looks like all the time!

  3. wow, your day sounds so much better than mine. i have an engineering exam to study for...

    ps. check out my blog at:

  4. I actually don't work Mondays, but I was hoping to wake up super early and get a lot done - namely, spend about 8 hours swimming laps in the pool due to my realization that I weight about 98 pounds more than I actually had thought. But alas, the Sir and I didn't get to bed until 4 (four!) because we were making beef jerky while watching Food Inc - we're such hypocrites. And thus, I woke up at noon. Fail, fail, fail. The rest of the day will most likely be spent wallowing.

  5. I found your blog on Al's comment page.

    I think today went well. I went to the gym and then went to the post office then tinkered at Wal-mart. Then came home and went to bed.

    Its been good so far.

  6. monday:
    woke up. went to doctor. went to school {late}. left school. came home. about to bake cookies.

    kind of boring? yup. my mondays not much better then yours :( oh well!


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