Thursday, March 4, 2010

you're welcome

You're welcome to show up anytime, Spring. Really, I wouldn't mind. I know I kind of dissed you back in December when the snow was falling softly and jingle bells were in the air and all I could think of was your rainy days and mud and in-between temperatures, but disregard that, really. I was just hopped up on Christmas spirit and wasn't thinking clearly. I'll take your in-between temperatures anytime.

Spring really does feel in the air, doesn't it? Who knows, maybe we're all jinxing ourselves and Easter's going to bring a mighty blizzard and cackling laughter in our faces, but I'd like to hope. The days are getting (ever so slightly) warmer and the daylight's staying longer and I think I even heard a bird chirping this morning.

I can't wait to wear a light jacket, or maybe even no jacket at all. I can't wait to set the clocks ahead and be able to enjoy some sunlight when I get out of work. I want to sit outside on a blanket and read Sandra Cisneros or Virginia Woolf and revel in the breeze. I want to have an Easter egg hunt that doesn't involve hats and coats and boots. I want to go on bike rides again and take walks through the woods without needing to come home and defrost afterwards. And I want to be able to wear the cute capris I bought in November, damnit.

What about the prospect of spring causes you to add the word "damnit" to the ends of your sentences?


  1. I want to take my dog for a real walk, damnit!

  2. I want to be able to run outside again, damnit!

  3. I want to be able to actually get some use out of my lawn chairs, dammit!

  4. I think this is very healthy. Love it. Keep them coming!

  5. I want to have a picnic in the park, damnit! (Abbie took my running one, damnit!)

  6. No problem. I'm glad I could help in some way. I hope the weather is nice for you :)

  7. the whole spring cleaning thing....argggg.


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