Monday, March 8, 2010

a dapple of my weekend

This weekend was so bright and sunny, I couldn't stop taking pictures of the sun. Sun on blankets, sun on sheets, sun on walls, sun on flowers, sun on the highway--there was just sun everywhere. I couldn't soak up enough of it. I soaked up sun on the beach, outside in the woods, on a run on the street, just everywhere. Perhaps the sixty degree weather made me a bit giddy for spring, and even summer. Now if only it'll stick around . . .

How was your weekend weather?


  1. Beautiful pictures!!! I had a great weekend too. I went for a long walk on Saturday in Newport and went to see fun Irish music last night. I LOVE this spring fever :)

  2. It looks like spring! Just beautiful. Saturday was like that here, but not Sunday.

  3. We had sun only on Saturday, but oh! Did it put me in the greatest of great moods!
    And lucky, lucky, lucky you for living by the sea! Those pictures just rendered me absolutely jealous...

  4. Mine was sunny too...I loved it!

  5. Isn't it nice how the sun makes picture taking so much more fun? Your photos here are absolutely gorgeous.


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