Tuesday, March 30, 2010

super sewing spree cont.

This afternoon, I decided to get out all my mom's old Simplicity and McCall's patterns from the 80s and scope out any potential gems. Apparently, fashions from the 80s are kind of in. You know, besides the pleated pantsuits.


I tossed aside the jumbo maternity tents and children's jumpers and heart-shaped pillows and found a few high-waisted skirts and belted dresses.

Then I tried to comprehend the patterns.


Apparently, I'm incompetent when it comes to a bunch of black-and-white diagrams and technical sewing terms.

Plus, I didn't have any shoulder pads.


Instead, I said screw the patterns, and made my own creation: a yoga mat bag!


(Please excuse the butt shot, won't you? Self-timers are hard.)

Tune in tomorrow for more of my super sewing spree week!


  1. wow ! that's very beautiful Ruth.
    i can't even do that hehe i'm too lazy and not so good at art.
    love your yoga mat bag

  2. But you have such a cute bum! Keep 'em coming :)

  3. Hilarious...those heart shaped pillows. Does it get any more tacky? No offense to your mom :)

  4. Oh shoulder pads...my mother is still obsessed with them and that scares me. I think one day I'm going to go on a psychotic spree and just rip all the shoulder pads out of clothing that's in her house. She may not be happy, but I'll feel so much better.

    Your yoga mat bag rocks, by the way. Definitely better than a pleated pants suit.


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