Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I'm so confused.

I woke up this morning, early, thinking it was Sunday. I distinctly remember thinking to myself, Oh darn. Yesterday I had all the fun, and now today is Sunday, the blah day of the weekend. Why am I trying to wake up so early? I must have set my alarm by mistake. So I proceeded to shut off my alarm and go back to sleep.

Until I was jolted out of my sleep by the realization that it wasn't, in fact, Sunday. But that it was Thursday. So I dragged myself out of bed and tried to figure out why I had thought it was Sunday.

Wrong again. It's definitely Wednesday.

All day long now, I've been thinking it's Thursday. I filled out the attendance spreadsheet wrong. I wrote the wrong date at least three times. At one point I even reverted back to Tuesday (even more wrong). I've had to consciously think about the date and day of the week about every seven minutes, now.

I guess my brain's just in a fog today. Does this ever happen to you?

(Image via weheartit)


  1. It's wishful thinking! If it was Thursday already we would be one day closer to the weekend...

  2. Holy crap woman. Thats terrible!

    I sometimes mess up my days cause I work midnights and one day rolls into the next.

    Like today is my wednesday, but I will be saying goodmorning to all the guys that come into work tomorrow as tho its thursday.

    They say, "hey, only one day left!" and I'm like.. "no..."

  3. Ooooo, I hate that! It's one thing to wake up on Wednesday and think it's Tuesday or Thursday; but a whole few days off seriously messes you up!

  4. Bah! Sleepy thoughts are such tricky little things. I have the same problem with dreams, where I wake up convinced something has happened that really hasn't. Or wake up panicked because I blew something huge in dreamland.

    Good thing tomorrow is really Thursday. I hope you wake up a little more sane :)

  5. Ah, Sarah--that happens to me all the time!

  6. I've been feeling like that all week. Every day I wake up and it takes me a minute to figure out what day it is. I guess I'll blame it on spring "break" (which is no break if you have to read for class next week).

  7. Yes, it happens to me all the time, especially when I had super hectic day at work and with my kids... Totally!

  8. All the time - normally I think its the weekend when its not and then sulk all day lol. Hope you feel less confused today

  9. I have been like that all week so I do sympathise ! Roll on the weekend if I remember to stop working !!!


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