Monday, March 22, 2010

a dapple of my weekend




I'm not sure where in the world you live, but if you're anywhere near me, you had a fabulous weekend. It was more like the first weekend of summer around here than the first weekend of spring. Twelve of my sixteen photos were taken outside this weekend--but I'm not complaining!

My weekend included:

: a Friday night bonfire with beers and marshmallows

: fixing the paint on my car on Saturday afternoon (not recommended to try...)

: a backyard picnic

: hibachi for the first time ever with old college friends

: a Pilates class that kicked my butt

: a Sunday afternoon hike with my mom and sister

: and general outdoor laziness.

Tell me: how was your weekend? (I want to hear about weather, especially!)


  1. I love that view and the big rock. And wish I could have a bonfire with you!

  2. can we be bestest's? bc bonfires and beer happen to be my favorite things...
    i am a great smore!

  3. Y yes Yesh i have... They are in my top five favorite books! We are now best frans end of story!

  4. Looks like such a nice weekend! I love bonfires. I've always wanted to try pilates. Guess I ought to just give it a try, right?

    Beautiful photos.

  5. Ahhh, I won't tell you about our weather in Chicago, because we'll just say it reverted back to January, complete with white things falling out of the sky!!!! Such a disappointment. And now it's lovely and nice again, naturally.

  6. This sounds wonderful. The first time I had hibachi was for my 24th Birthday! I really enjoy your blog :) xx


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